日期︰2024 年 6 月 17 日
Tariff gambit self-defeating,undermines global prosperity
The United States' recent decision to impose sweeping tariffs on goods from China, Canada and Mexico, a move spearheaded by President Donald Trump's executive order, has reignited the flames of a trade war that the global economy can ill afford. This protectionist gambit, framed by the Trump administration as a means to "protect American industries", is a self-defeating strategy that undermines US interests, destabilizes the global economy, and betrays the principles of multilateral cooperation.
The Trump administration's tariffs, a continuation of the protectionist policies that defined his first term, ignore a fundamental truth: Tariffs are taxes paid by American consumers and businesses. Historical precedent proves this. A 2019 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that US companies and households bore over 90 percent of the cost of tariffs on Chinese goods during the Trump-era trade war, exacerbating inflation and supply-chain bottlenecks. Today, with global inflation still simmering, renewed tariffs on electric vehicles, semiconductors, and green technology components will raise prices for critical goods, stifling America's clean-energy transition and burdening middle-class families.
The US Chamber of Commerce has repeatedly warned that tariffs disrupt supply chains, deter investment, and invite retaliation. China's countermeasures — targeting American fossil fuels, agricultural machinery, large-displacement vehicles and pickup trucks — will compound the pain. This tit-for-tat cycle benefits no one.
The US tariffs arrive at a precarious moment for the world economy. The post-pandemic recovery remains uneven, geopolitical tensions simmer in Europe and Asia, and developing nations grapple with debt crises. A renewed US-China trade war risks fracturing global markets into blocs, throttling growth for all. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has forecast sluggish trade growth in 2025; escalating protectionism could tip the scales toward recession.
China, as the world's largest exporter and second-largest economy, is deeply integrated into global supply chains. From smartphones to solar panels, Chinese manufacturing supports industries worldwide. Tariffs that disrupt this ecosystem will reverberate far beyond US and Chinese borders, penalizing European manufacturers, Southeast Asian assemblers, and African consumers alike. The Trump administration's unilateralism disregards this interdependence, prioritizing short-term political posturing over long-term stability.
Over the past 40 years, China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty, becoming a pillar of the global trading system. While concerns over intellectual property and market access persist, the proper venue for resolving disputes is the WTO — not unilateral tariffs. The US move flouts international law, setting a dangerous precedent that erodes the rules-based international order Washington claims to uphold.
Moreover, the tariffs' timing — right after a US election — suggests they are less about economic strategy than domestic politics. By scapegoating China, policymakers deflect from structural challenges at home: lagging workforce training, crumbling infrastructure, and corporate short-termism. China is not the cause of these issues, nor will tariffs solve them.
Beijing's vow to "resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests" through countermeasures is neither surprising nor escalatory. It is a principled defense of national interest and a signal that China will not capitulate to coercion. Importantly, China's retaliatory measures are proportionate and targeted, designed to minimize domestic disruption while underscoring the futility of US tactics.
Critics in the West often dismiss China's stance as "aggressive", yet it is the US that has weaponized trade policy, from extraterritorial sanctions to sweeping export controls. China's approach, by contrast, emphasizes dialogue and mutual benefit. The Belt and Road Initiative, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and recent diplomatic outreach to Europe exemplify Beijing's commitment to inclusive globalization — a stark contrast to America's zero-sum mindset.
The solution to US-China trade tensions is not less engagement but more. Both nations must return to the negotiating table, addressing grievances through existing frameworks like the WTO or bilateral dialogues. China has already taken steps to level the playing field, revising intellectual property laws and expanding market access for foreign firms. The US, meanwhile, must abandon its addiction to tariffs and invest in competitiveness — boosting research and development, revitalizing infrastructure, and reskilling workers.
History teaches us that trade wars have no winners. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 deepened the Great Depression; the 2018-19 US-China clash cost the American economy nearly 300,000 jobs and $316 billion in lost GDP, per Moody's Analytics. Today, the stakes are even higher. Climate change, artificial-intelligence governance, and global health demand US-China collaboration, not antagonism.
The Trump administration's tariff gambit is a relic of a bygone era, out of step with the interconnected realities of the 21st century. As Hong Kong's experience proves, openness and cooperation — not walls and whims — are the engines of prosperity. Washington would do well to heed this lesson before its myopic strategy inflicts irreversible harm. The world cannot afford another trade war. It is time for the US to choose partnership over protectionism.
Worst may be over for HK
Regina Ip says the economy is bouncing back and Hong Kong has regained leading rankings in many global financial and competitiveness surveys, but the government must pursue technological and political innovation to see the city thrive
In the Year of the Snake, Hong Kong enters a world that is more perilous than ever, with US President Donald Trump threatening tariffs against key trading partners and intensifying technological competition with China. Comments from Chinese officials that there are “no winners” in a trade war drop strong hints that China would not hesitate to retaliate if it is targeted.
Hong Kong is powerless to put brakes on a trade or tech war, but when it comes to troubles roiling the city, the worst might be over.
Top on the list is the controversy over national security. Although Hong Kong is constitutionally required to implement national security legislation, the national security law Beijing enacted for Hong Kong in 2020 sparked a spate of sanctions, travel warnings and a precipitous plunge in Hong Kong’s relationship with the West.
Nearly five years after the enactment of the law, Hong Kong could be close to turning the corner. “National security first” remains the government’s credo, but hints of change could be seen in Secretary for Security Chris Tang Ping-keung’s letter to The Wall Street Journal on comments former US vice-president Mike Pence made at a business conference in Hong Kong last month.
After complaining about Pence’s “despicable” attempt at “political manipulation”, Tang concluded by saying, “The above notwithstanding, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government always strengthens ties and exchanges with different countries, including the US.
“Indeed, despite political differences in recent years, Hong Kong and the US continue to enjoy mutually respectful and beneficial business and social ties. Our city will continue to serve as the most effective bridge linking our motherland with the rest of the world for years to come”. This is a significant change in tone portending a more nuanced strategy towards the city’s critics.
On the economic front, Hong Kong is on the mend. The stock market is bouncing back. According to Bonnie Chan Yiting, CEO of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, a pipeline of 100 companies are waiting to be listed. Visitor arrivals are up more than 30 per cent compared to 2023, and various schemes have helped to fill Hong Kong’s talent gap. In addition, Hong Kong has regained leading rankings in many international financial and competitiveness surveys.
The government has invested billions into research and innovation to jump-start its technological development. The high costs and many hurdles are to be expected given the late start. There are three areas the government must prioritise to catch up with global developments.
First, priority must be accorded to the adoption of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in and outside government. As AI applications thrive on open data and algorithms, the government should accelerate the implementation of its open data and cross-boundary data transfer policies agreed with the rest of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, to enable promising sectors such as healthcare and finance to flourish.
Second, to fortify Hong Kong’s position as a global financial centre, Hong Kong must not lose out in financial innovations, especially in digital finance. As the only part of China authorised to trade, invest and manage digital assets, Hong Kong should make full use of its mandate to play a greater role in stimulating the cryptocurrency industry.
One million cryptocurrency tokens are created every week, according to Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong. The frenzy around cryptocurrency shows no sign of abating despite its risks. The government needs to push ahead with suitable relaxation of its regulatory regime to protect investors as well as attract more blockchain talent and cryptocurrency start-ups to Hong Kong.
Finally, innovation is not possible without the necessary talent. The government has tried to bring in talent with more diverse skills since the introduction of an accountability system for key government officials in 2002.
Yet despite further development through creating new positions of deputy directors of bureau and political assistants in 2008, the accountability system has failed to live up to expectations.
Part of the problem stems from the concession the government made to the civil service to preserve their grip on power when the accountability system was expanded in 2008. A 2007 consultation paper states squarely that the new deputy directors and political assistants “have no direct line of command vis-a-vis the permanent secretaries”. They were intended to assist bureau directors in the discharge of political duties, seen at that time as comprising mainly lobbying for legislative support, handling the media and attending events on behalf of bureau directors.
Because of this limitation, many deputy directors were unable to pick up more knowledge of government business or exert control over departments. Those who joined without the relevant professional knowledge or background were particularly weak and disadvantaged.
The world is changing so rapidly that more forward-thinking leaders with up-to-date technological know-how, international experience and political skills are necessary to assist the chief executive to implement reform and stay competitive. All governments need reinforcement and, from time to time, a shake-up.
While a sweeping, Trump-style Department of Government Efficiency might be counterproductive, an appropriate dose of creative disruption at this critical time would do the government much good.
新民黨 容海恩立法會議員聯同漁農業界發表考察科威特成果
葉劉淑儀 出席世界經濟論壇
行政會議非官守成員召集人、立法會議員暨新民黨主席葉劉淑儀女士於1月20日至25日期間離港,親赴瑞士達沃斯(Davos),出席由世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)舉辦,為期三天的女性政治領袖論壇(Women Political Leaders Forum)。
新民黨 提交2025/26年度《財政預算案》建議書
特區政府正就2025/26年度《財政預算案》展開公眾諮詢。新民黨主席暨立法會議員葉劉淑儀女士、新民黨常務副主席暨立法會議員黎棟國先生、新民黨副主席暨立法會議員容海恩女士、新民黨執委暨立法會議員陳家珮女士、新民黨中委暨立法會議員李梓敬先生、新民黨中委暨立法會議員何敬康先生、新民黨副主席暨沙田區議員潘國山先生、新民黨中委暨東區區議員盧曉楓先生及新民黨中委暨屯門區議員甘文鋒先生 ,今日(15日)會見財政司司長陳茂波先生,提交《財政預算案》建議書(詳見附件),共提出16項建議,涵蓋刺激經濟及公共財政管理兩方面。
新民黨主席暨立法會議員葉劉淑儀表示:「新民黨在刺激經濟方面的建議,分為盡快刺激香港消費及長遠建立新產業兩方面。要建立新產業,需要大量資金投放及長時間,不能即時見效,以香港目前的經濟模式,最容易帶動本地消費的是刺激股市及樓市。刺激股市方面,很高興看到人民銀行行長潘功勝最近表示,由2月開始會推出一千億人民幣貿易融資流動資金方案支持香港,是非常好的消息,有六大加強互聯互通的建議,這些措施是垂直式閉環管理。新民黨建議設立『IPO通』,研究容許兩地投資者有限度相互買賣兩地首次公開招股(IPO)的股份,當中應設較低額度及加入一定限制,以管控相關風險,例如只開放集資10 億港元或以上的首次公開招股,並設立內地認購比例限額,如不超過發行量的 20%,將有助『A股』來港上市,及有助內地企業透過香港的資本市場來國際化。」
葉太指出,2024 年全年錄得超過 4.75 萬宗一、二手私人住宅買賣登記,當中有近25%的買家姓名為「普通話拼音」人士,他們平均購買的房產約為一千萬,新民黨建議特區政府與中央政府商討,在設有一定額度及封閉管道下,以「地產通」形式,便利內地投資者及企業在香港購置物業,對本港樓市有即時刺激作用,同時鼓勵地產商再次買地或補地價,增加特區政府庫房收入。
新民黨副主席暨立法會議員容海恩表示,新民黨希望透過人工智能提升經濟效益。香港在去年推出逾 200 項盛事,但是有不少地區活動未有包含在內,建議透過人工智能數據庫,特區政府建立一站式資訊平台,提供「盛事日表」,更新每日盛事的最新資訊,並配合 18 區區議會,提供地區活動資訊,帶動地區經濟。容海恩議員期望特區政府支持中小企發展,建議特區政府整合現有工具,例如利用商湯科技的人工智能大數據,透過人工智能進一步提升平台效能,以及「盛事經濟」、「地區經濟」所帶來的商機和經濟效益。
新民黨中委暨立法會議員何敬康說,每年都有很多重大國際會議在港舉行,每次都有國際知名的金融專家、管理層來港,以及數千人出席參與,對香港與國際接軌及引進新商機有非常大的幫助。何敬康議員表示,過往數年香港流失了不少重要會議至鄰近地區,新民黨希望未來特區政府可主動游說業界,讓過往未曾來港舉辦及流失了的盛事可以來港舉行,增進香港的國家優勢及振興旅遊酒店業。何敬康議員建議特區政府與中央政府商討,研究在 2027 年,由香港聯同大灣區城市舉辦首屆「一帶一路」運動會,貢獻「一帶一路」建設,增加與「一帶一路」成員國的聯繫,同時增進香港舉辦大型盛事的經驗,提高旅遊及運動產業的經濟效益。
新民黨中委暨東區區議員盧曉楓博士建議打造香港成為食品貿易中心。食品是全球貿易的重要支柱,亦是各個發達經濟體的重要貿易品類,香港加上內地市場,已是全球最大的食品消費國,特別是生鮮食品,在水產類、水果類和牛肉類已分別超過200億美元年進口量,以榴槤為例,已由2019年的16億美元進口量,增至去年的70億。盧曉楓博士認為,香港作為全球重要的航空樞紐,香港國際機場亦為全球首個獲得國際航空運輸協會鮮活貨物運輸(IATA CEIV Fresh)認證的合作夥伴機場,香港在這方面有優勢,新民黨希望特區政府進一步支持業界,發展香港成鮮活食品貿易中心,連同內地供應商、海外生產源頭聚集在香港,並發展供應鏈、加工中心,將相關產業鎖定在香港。