日期︰2024 年 11 月 9 日
訪問團於10月31日抵達倫敦後,首先與第690屆倫敦金融城市長(Lord Mayor of the City of London) Sir Charles Bowman及第696屆倫敦金融城市長 Mr. Alderman Alastair King 會面,為是次訪問行程揭開序幕。
同日,訪問團拜訪我國駐英大使館王起公使。當日下午,葉太與英國外交聯邦及發展部政務次官 Ms. Catherine West(Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)會面。
在其後的行程,葉太與英國商業貿易部(Department for Business and Trade)高級官員會面。訪問團亦拜訪了香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處,處長羅莘桉先生及副處長葉昱蔚先生向葉太介紹了經貿辦的工作概況。
是次訪英,訪問團先後與兩個智庫舉行會議。訪問團首先與皇家國際事務研究所(The Royal Institute of International Affairs,即漆咸樓 Chatham House)董事兼首席執行官 Ms. Bronwen Maria Maddox、亞太項目主任 Mr. Ben Bland,以及其他代表進行會議。之後亦與另一智庫英中協會(The Great Britain-China Centre)進行會議,與董事會主席 Sir Martin Davidson、主任 Ms. Merethe Macleod,以及其他代表交流。
傳媒方面,訪問團分別與《衛報》(The Guardian)及《經濟學人》(The Economist)等傳媒的資深編輯代表會面及交流。
商界方面,訪問團與前怡和集團董事 Mr. Martin Gilbert Barrow(鮑磊)及怡和控股公司執行董事 Mr. Adam Keswick 會面。最後,訪問團獲邀出席由英中貿易協會(China Britain Business Council)主持的晚宴,與主席 Sir Sherard Louis Cowper-Coles(古沛勤)及行政總裁 Mr. Peter Burnett 等商界高層交流。
美國會否變成獨裁政體? / The United States: Will It Become an Autocracy?
美國共和黨在大選成功取得參眾兩院控制權,加上美國最高法院目前由保守派大法官控制,使得美國「三權分立」的制度受到嚴重衝擊。以特朗普涉嫌偽造商業紀錄向成人片女星支付「掩口費」的案件為例,紐約州法官不久前宣布案件無限期押後判刑,並且允許特朗普的律師提出駁回此案的動議,引起外界一片譁然,國際社會關注美國能否維持其民主政制。關於這點,我在史丹福大學進修時的論文導師戴雅門教授(Professor Larry Diamond)在特朗普當選後不久便發布文章Democracy Without America? 表達對美國民主發展的憂慮。
美國原有的制度頂層設計和法律執行層面都有各種制衡手段,防止總統獨攬大權。戴雅門教授仍然審慎樂觀的在文章指出:「不應將美國大選解讀為對專制的投票。」從數字來看,雖然特朗普的民粹政策看似獲得決定性支持。文章引述美聯社數據:「共和黨初選時有1700 萬美國人把票投給特朗普;到正式大選,特朗普僅獲得共和黨10% 登記選民和7% 合資格選民的支持。」遠比初選時低。並且,賀錦麗雖敗但仍然取得7434 萬多票,特朗普僅獲50% 選票。由此可見,特朗普有獨裁傾向的政策能否獲美國大多數人支持仍是未知數。
The United States: Will It Become an Autocracy?
The success of the Republican Party in gaining control of both houses of Congress in the election, coupled with the current conservative control of the Supreme Court, has seriously impacted the system of "separation of powers" in the United States. For example, in the case where Trump was suspected of falsifying business records to pay "hush money" to an adult film star, a judge in New York recently announced an indefinite postponement of the case and allowed Trump's lawyer to file a motion to dismiss the case, causing an uproar and international concern about whether the United States can maintain its democratic system. Concerning this issue, my thesis advisor Professor Larry Diamond at Stanford University expressed concerns about the development of American democracy shortly after Trump's election in an article titled "Democracy Without America?"
The article points out: "Whether the American democratic model can be defended will depend on the actions of government and societal leaders, including the Congress, state and local governments, public servants, armed forces and local police, businesses, civil society organizations, and the courts." According to the U.S. Constitution, state governments have their own powers that cannot be infringed upon by the federal government. The system of checks and balances established at the founding of the United States further safeguards the powers of local governments based on the separation of powers, preventing federal government abuse of power. Therefore, state governments may not necessarily submit to Trump.
In addition, the Attorney General nominated by Trump has announced his withdrawal from the race for this position due to insufficient support in the Senate. The Democratic Party, of course, would not agree to have someone suspected of drug use and involved in sexual scandals serve as Attorney General, and Republicans are also unwilling to incur political costs for supporting Gates, reportedly indicating that they will not support Trump, rendering the nomination invalid due to insufficient support.
The top-level design and legal enforcement aspects of the original U.S. system have various means of checks and balances to prevent the president from monopolizing power. Professor Diamond cautiously and optimistically points out in the article: "The U.S. election should not be interpreted as a vote for autocracy." In terms of numbers, although Trump's populist policies seemed to garner decisive support, the article cites data from the Associated Press: "During the Republican primaries, 17 million Americans voted for Trump; in the general election, Trump only received support from 10% of registered Republican voters and 7% of eligible voters." Much lower than during the primaries. Furthermore, although Harris was defeated, he still received over 74.34 million votes, while Trump only secured 50% of the vote. Therefore, whether Trump's authoritarian policies can gain support from the majority of Americans remains uncertain.
GBA integration will unlock new avenues for innovation and growth
This week, Hong Kong's chief executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, led a high-level delegation from the business sector to five major cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Foshan, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou and Shenzhen. The trip, which began on Monday, took in the Guangdong-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Exchange Meeting in Guangzhou, co-hosted by the Guangdong provincial government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Among the event's highlights was the signing of 126 economic and trade agreements worth over 100 billion yuan ($13.8 billion) between businesses from both sides. This achievement underscores not only the depth of economic ties between Hong Kong and Guangdong but also the enormous potential for future collaboration.
For Hong Kong's business community, this is more than just an opportunity — it is a clarion call to action. By embracing a more open mindset and adopting practical strategies, Hong Kong's businesses can participate in the GBA's development, unlocking new economic momentum and fostering higher-quality growth for the city itself.
Since the release of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area five years ago, the region has emerged as one of China's most dynamic and globally connected economic zones. Its population has topped 87 million, and in 2023 its GDP exceeded 14 trillion yuan, rivaling some of the world's largest economies. This remarkable growth demonstrates the GBA's vast market potential and its appeal to global investors.
For Hong Kong, the GBA presents a treasure trove of untapped opportunities. The region's emphasis on integrating resources, industries and talents from Hong Kong, Macao and nine mainland cities offers fertile ground for fostering innovation and economic synergy.
The central government has made its priorities clear. At the recent third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Beijing reaffirmed its commitment to deepening GBA collaboration, emphasizing the importance of harmonizing regulations and mechanisms between Hong Kong, Macao and mainland cities. Vice-Premier He Lifeng, speaking at the third Global Financial Leaders' Investment Summit in Hong Kong earlier this month, reiterated the central government's support for Hong Kong's role in the GBA. He stressed the importance of aligning financial and regulatory frameworks and urged Hong Kong to seize the moment to build on the region's momentum.
These developments highlight two key points: First, the central government views the GBA as a central pillar of China's high-quality development; second, Hong Kong's success is intrinsically tied to the GBA's growth. For Hong Kong, this is a unique opportunity to leverage its strengths to serve the nation's broader goals of opening up to the world.
Hong Kong's business leaders have long been at the forefront of driving the city's economic growth. In the context of the GBA, their role is even more critical. By acting as both a "superconnector" and a "super value-adder", Hong Kong businesses can bridge global resources with the GBA's growing needs. This means attracting high-end international talent, integrating global supply chains, and expanding into new international markets.
The benefits of such efforts go both ways. While Hong Kong can help raise the GBA's profile on the global stage, the region's rapid development also offers Hong Kong a chance to rejuvenate its own economy, tap into recent innovations, and strengthen its competitive edge. For instance, Hong Kong is uniquely positioned to lead in sectors like finance, logistics and professional services, where its expertise and international networks are unmatched.
However, to fully unlock these opportunities, more support is needed from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government. Policies that offer tax incentives, funding support and streamlined regulations could go a long way in encouraging businesses to invest in key GBA initiatives. Particular focus should be placed on infrastructure development, technological innovation and supply chain upgrades — areas where Hong Kong's contributions can make a meaningful difference.
One key area where Hong Kong can align itself more closely with the GBA is through the Northern Metropolis, a strategic development zone that aims to expand the city's economic footprint and deepen its ties with mainland cities. As Hong Kong's largest urban development initiative, the Northern Metropolis represents a bold vision for integrating industries and communities across the border.
During this week's visit, the delegation explored how Guangdong's cities have successfully planned and developed their industrial zones. The insights gained can help Hong Kong craft strategies for the Northern Metropolis, turning ambitious blueprints into tangible results. By learning from Guangdong's experience, Hong Kong can ensure that the Northern Metropolis becomes a vibrant hub where businesses from both sides of the border can collaborate seamlessly.
The GBA is not just a regional initiative — it is a global opportunity. With its unique role as an international financial center, Hong Kong has the tools to help the GBA thrive while also benefiting from its growth. But to achieve this, the city must act decisively. The HKSAR government must strengthen its policy support for businesses, while the business community itself must step up to embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead.
The path forward is clear. By deepening its integration into the GBA, Hong Kong can unlock new avenues for growth, innovation and prosperity. In doing so, it can reaffirm its position as a vital link between China and the rest of the world — a role that has defined its success for decades and will continue to shape its future.
新民黨 譴責美方肆意詆毀香港法庭裁決
新民黨 「對外聯絡小組」訪英
是次訪英行程緊密而豐富,葉太簡介說:「我們今次倫敦之行的拜訪對象,包括英國政府官員、智庫、政商界及傳媒。我們與英國外交聯邦及發展部政務次官 Ms. Catherine West(衛倩婷,Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)會面;拜訪了英國商業貿易部(Department for Business and Trade)高級官員。其實我們甫到埗便會見了兩屆倫敦金融城市長(Lord Mayor of the City of London),分別是第690任市長 Sir Charles Bowman及第696任候任市長 Mr. Alderman Alastair King。傳媒方面,我們拜訪了英國幾家主流傳媒,包括《經濟學人》(The Economist)及《衛報》(The Guardian)等。我們亦拜訪了英國的重要智庫,包括英中協會(The Great Britain-China Centre),屬英國工黨的智庫,以及世界著名的皇家國際事務研究所(The Royal Institute of International Affairs),即是很出名的 Chatham House(漆咸樓 )。我們亦有和商界交流,包括怡和控股公司的駐英執行董事 Mr. Adam Keswick,以及 Mr. Martin Barrow(鮑磊)。我們亦接受了英中貿易協會(China Britain Business Council)的邀請,參加了和商界高層的交流晚宴。」
葉太表示訪英團亦有介紹 CEPA:「我們的單張亦有介紹10月9日宣布的,根據特區政府與國家商務部簽署的《〈內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排〉服務貿易協議》(CEPA)簽訂的服務協議的第二份修訂協議。這次的修訂協議很重要,經常有港商指出,過去要進入內地的服務業市場,大門開了但小門不開;新修訂協議則是開了很多道小門,很多服務業提供者,例如建築、工程不再需要三年實質性經營這個要求;金融機構在向內地保險公司投資入股時,亦不再有最近一年總資產不少於二十億美元的要求,另外亦有『港資港法』、『港資港仲裁』,香港電影業電視業進入內地市場的要求亦開放了很多。」
訪問團於10月31日抵達倫敦後,首先與第690屆倫敦金融城市長(Lord Mayor of the City of London) Sir Charles Bowman及第696屆倫敦金融城市長 Mr. Alderman Alastair King 會面,為是次訪問行程揭開序幕。
同日,訪問團拜訪我國駐英大使館王起公使。當日下午,葉太與英國外交聯邦及發展部政務次官 Ms. Catherine West(Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)會面。
在其後的行程,葉太與英國商業貿易部(Department for Business and Trade)高級官員會面。訪問團亦拜訪了香港駐倫敦經濟貿易辦事處,處長羅莘桉先生及副處長葉昱蔚先生向葉太介紹了經貿辦的工作概況。
是次訪英,訪問團先後與兩個智庫舉行會議。訪問團首先與皇家國際事務研究所(The Royal Institute of International Affairs,即漆咸樓 Chatham House)董事兼首席執行官 Ms. Bronwen Maria Maddox、亞太項目主任 Mr. Ben Bland,以及其他代表進行會議。之後亦與另一智庫英中協會(The Great Britain-China Centre)進行會議,與董事會主席 Sir Martin Davidson、主任 Ms. Merethe Macleod,以及其他代表交流。
傳媒方面,訪問團分別與《衛報》(The Guardian)及《經濟學人》(The Economist)等傳媒的資深編輯代表會面及交流。
商界方面,訪問團與前怡和集團董事 Mr. Martin Gilbert Barrow(鮑磊)及怡和控股公司執行董事 Mr. Adam Keswick 會面。最後,訪問團獲邀出席由英中貿易協會(China Britain Business Council)主持的晚宴,與主席 Sir Sherard Louis Cowper-Coles(古沛勤)及行政總裁 Mr. Peter Burnett 等商界高層交流。
我:多謝主席。我與劉智鵬教授持相同看法,認為學習外語是一門易學難精的學問。數十多年前,我通過了GCE A Level的法語考試,但現在只會看懂菜單。此外,我在美國留學時修讀了3年的日語,並在國際基督教大學參加了為期6週沉浸式日語課程,但仍然無法熟練運用。因此,我認為要真正掌握一門外語,大學主修或短期交流課程並不足夠。最好能夠提供外語獎學金,讓一些有志於進攻中東市場的人士學習阿拉伯語。