香港發展醫療產業有優勢嗎?(一)/ Does Hong Kong Have Advantages in Developing the Medical Industry? (Part 1)
2025 年 1 月 20 日
香港目前的經濟增長未如理想,政府去年10 月公布,2024 年首三季合計的本地生產總值較2023 年同期僅實質上升2.6%;而近日財政司長則公開表示,財政赤字近1000 億元,有專家指出,若非計入發行了1300 億的債券,財赤其實達2300 億。
1997 年,香港遇上亞洲金融風暴,經濟低迷,特區政府一度考慮推動醫療產業來刺激經濟。2009 年,特區政府更把醫療產業納入「六大優勢產業」,但多年來未見有顯著的實際發展。
理論上,香港是有條件發展醫療產業的。香港中文大學和香港大學的醫學院均於全球醫學領域享有較高名次(排名28 及31);同時擁有不少研發專家和人才;在一些專科領域,香港的診治技術更是世界一流。
2009 年,特區政府預留4 幅分別位於黃竹坑、將軍澳、大埔及大嶼山的土地用於發展私營醫院。其中,位於黃竹坑的港怡醫院及在馬料水的香港中文大學醫院均已落成並投入服務。不過,香港中文大學醫院因營運收益未如理想,已向特區政府申請延遲償還政府貸款。
我的行會同僚陳智思曾向我提及,他的家族在泰國經營的泰國康民醫院(Bumrungrad International Hospital),相當成功,有「泰版養和醫院」之稱。他認為香港缺乏土地及醫護人手,較難像泰國那樣發展醫療產業。至於泰國為何能蓬勃發展醫療產業,讓我們下回分解。
Does Hong Kong Have Advantages in Developing the Medical Industry? (Part 1)
Hong Kong's current economic growth has not been as ideal. The government announced last October that the GDP value for the first three quarters of 2024 had only increased by 2.6% compared to the same period in 2023. Recently, the Financial Secretary publicly stated that the fiscal deficit is close to 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. Experts have pointed out that if the issuance of 130 billion in bonds is not taken into account, the actual deficit would be 230 billion.
Economists often mention the three pillars for driving the local economy, namely exports, consumption, and overall investment. While Hong Kong has seen growth in both total merchandise exports and overall investment spending, consumption has continued to decline. To achieve fiscal balance, the SAR government needs to take decisive measures to address the deficit and effectively utilize existing resources to drive economic development and stimulate consumption. The SAR government is vigorously promoting event-based economics and striving for the re-initiation of the "multiple entry permit" for mainland residents, which has indeed led to an increase in visitor numbers.
In 1997, Hong Kong faced the Asian financial crisis, which led to an economic downturn. The SAR government once considered promoting the medical industry to stimulate the economy. In 2009, the SAR government even included the medical industry in the "six major advantageous industries," but there has been no significant practical development over the years.
In theory, Hong Kong has the conditions to develop the medical industry. The medical schools at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong both enjoy high rankings in the global medical field (28th and 31st, respectively). Hong Kong also has many research and development experts and talents, and in some specialized fields, its diagnostic and treatment techniques are world-class.
In 2009, the SAR government reserved four plots of land in Wong Chuk Hang, Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po, and Lantau Island for the development of private hospitals. Among them, the the Gleneagles Hospital in Wong Chuk Hang and the Chinese University Hospital in Ma Liu Shui have been completed and put into service. However, the Chinese University Hospital has applied to the SAR government for a delay in repaying government loans due to lower-than-expected operational revenue.
My colleague, Bernard Charnwut Chan, once mentioned to me that his family operates the Bumrungrad International Hospital in Thailand, which is quite successful and known as the "Thai version of Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital." He believes that Hong Kong lacks land and healthcare personnel, making it more challenging to develop the medical industry like Thailand. As for why Thailand has been able to thrive in developing the medical industry, let's delve into that next time.