1. 籌劃地區活動及會員活動;
2. 處理投訴個案、查詢;
3. 跟進地區議題;
4. 支援政策研究相關工作;
5. 協助辦事處製作宣傳品,例如宣傳單張、活動海報及橫額;
6. 辦事處日常運作
1. 有良好溝通技巧,操流利粵語;
2. 主動、積極,願意於戶外工作;
3. 懂電腦運作,包括 MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint 及中文輸入法;
1. 擁有香港特別行政區居民身份,並修讀學位或更高程度的非本地學術資格的全日制教育課程;
2. 在開始實習時仍未滿 26 歲;
如欲申請成為我們的實習生,可將履歷表電郵至 belle.kwok@npp.org.hk。請於電郵內說明預計實習期及興趣﹝例如:政策研究、社區服務或其他範圍﹞。合適的申請者,將有機會獲安排面試。如有任何疑問,請致電 31000079 與新民黨秘書處聯絡。
HK’s most valuable asset: Uniting people
This week, Hong Kong is hosting the 18th Asian Financial Forum (AFF), a marquee event jointly organized by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Themed “Powering the Next Growth Engine”, the forum has brought together over 100 global policymakers, business leaders, financial experts and investors, entrepreneurs, tech giants and economists, attracting an audience of more than 3,600 industry heavyweights. Against a backdrop of global uncertainty, this forum isn’t just another conference — it’s a timely reminder of Hong Kong’s enduring role as a bridge between East and West, a superconnector with the power to forge new opportunities in an increasingly fragmented world.
As the city’s first major financial event of the year, it has become a tradition that the AFF sets the tone for Hong Kong’s business calendar. For global financiers, it’s a chance to connect with key players, seize opportunities, and position themselves ahead of the curve. For Hong Kong, it’s something even more profound: a stage to showcase its unique strengths, tell its story to the world, and reassert its relevance in a competitive global economy.
This year’s lineup delivered on that promise. Among the speakers were Lin Yifu, former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank, AI expert Stuart Russell and other high-profile figures like Kai-Fu Lee, chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures, and Joseph Tsai, chairman of Alibaba. Representatives from global powerhouses such as AXA, Citigroup, HSBC, and Lenovo added further weight to the event. Their presence underscores one thing: Hong Kong is not just a financial hub; it remains a place where commerce, innovation, and influence converge.
But the AFF didn’t stop at reinforcing Hong Kong’s longstanding ties with the West. This year, the forum introduced a new session, focusing on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The session features GCC Secretary-General Jasem Mohamed AlBudaiwi, alongside other Middle Eastern and Hong Kong speakers, with the aim of exploring untapped opportunities between the Gulf and Asia’s financial capital.
For years, the Middle East has been a blind spot for many Hong Kong businesses, often overshadowed by traditional Western markets. But times are changing. The COVID-19 pandemic shook the global economy, dampening demand in Europe and North America. Meanwhile, the Belt and Road Initiative — a cornerstone of China’s foreign policy — has deepened economic ties between China and the Gulf states. The Middle East, with its wealth and growing appetite for diversification, is no longer a distant market; it’s a frontier of immense potential. This year’s AFF served as a wake-up call for Hong Kong to capitalize on the Gulf’s rising significance.
Hong Kong has always been a city of resilience, reinvention and ambition. And in a world that seems increasingly divided, its ability to bring people together — to connect, to collaborate and to create — may just be its most valuable asset of all
Of course, none of this is happening in a vacuum. The world is entering a more uncertain era. Interest rate hikes, geopolitical tensions and economic nationalism are challenging the global financial system. But Hong Kong’s resilience has always been its ability to adapt to change. In fact, these very disruptions may well amplify its unique position.
Consider this: Hong Kong is the world’s largest offshore renminbi hub, a role it plays with the full backing of Beijing. Its regulatory system aligns seamlessly with global standards, and its low-tax regime remains a magnet for foreign investors. But Hong Kong’s true edge lies in its dual identity. It understands the Chinese mainland’s market like no other global city, while offering international investors an accessible, familiar and sophisticated gateway into the mainland. In turn, it helps mainland businesses “go global”, acting as a launchpad for their international ambitions.
This dual role — as a superconnector and a super value-creator — is more crucial now than ever. As Western markets become more fragmented and inward-looking, Hong Kong’s ability to bridge divides and unlock synergies will only grow in importance.
But Hong Kong’s success isn’t just about facilitating transactions; it’s about something bigger — telling its story. Events like the AFF are not merely gatherings of the financial elite; they are a stage where Hong Kong reaffirms its place in the world. Through dialogues, partnerships and high-profile collaborations, the city demonstrates its capability to lead, innovate and create value.
The stakes are high. Hong Kong’s reputation as an international financial center has been tested in recent years, amid geopolitical headwinds and shifting global dynamics. But the AFF is a reminder that its core strengths remain intact. By hosting global leaders and fostering collaboration, it sends a clear message: Hong Kong is not retreating. It is doubling down on its role as a global connector, a place where ideas meet capital, and where East meets West.
Yet, to fully realize its potential, Hong Kong must continue to look outward. The focus on the Middle East is a promising start, but there are other underexplored markets — such as Africa and Latin America — that hold untapped opportunities. Hong Kong’s future lies not in resting on its laurels but in embracing the spirit of innovation and expansion that has always defined its rise.
At its best, the AFF is more than just a financial forum; it’s a vision of what Hong Kong can be. A city that doesn’t just connect markets, but creates value. A city that doesn’t just adapt to change, but leads it. And a city that doesn’t just tell its story, but invites the world to be a part of it.
Hong Kong has always been a city of resilience, reinvention and ambition. And in a world that seems increasingly divided, its ability to bring people together — to connect, to collaborate and to create — may just be its most valuable asset of all.
誘騙境外工作猖獗 港人必須提高警覺
泰國旅遊競爭力解碼 / Decoding the Competitiveness of Tourism in Thailand
前文提到,我於聖誕假期到泰國曼谷度假,發現當地的旅遊業發展蓬勃。報道指,截至2024 年12 月,泰國全年共吸引超過3500 萬人次造訪。我認為泰國之所以能夠成為世界知名的旅遊勝地,以及吸引港人遊客,其中一大主因在於它的人力資源及土地價值遠較香港要低,令其可以較低的消費物價吸引遊客。
首先,泰國的年輕人口比例較高。泰國目前人口約為7000 萬,年齡中位數為39 歲,勞動人口(15 歲至64 歲)佔約68%(約4760 萬人);反觀香港的人口只有約750 萬,年齡中位數為46歲,勞動人口佔約51%(約383 萬人)。受惠於充足的勞動人口,泰國的人均工資低於香港,優良的性價比令當地服務業發展也相當發達。以港人喜愛的按摩服務為例,旅行期間我光顧一家園林式按摩店,3 人按摩兩個小時只收費1400港元(且毋須打賞),這比香港便宜許多,十分超值。
第二,泰國的土地價值均低於香港,使得整體成本較低。據報道,在清邁購置一片建屋面積約63,000 呎的土地,分成12 戶,每戶土地約4300 呎,一塊土地售價約35 萬港元。相比之下,假設要在香港購置一片同樣面積的土地,價格可能是泰國的數十倍。較低的地價降低了房地產項目的成本,使得新開設的商場可在不急於即時回本的前提下逐步發展。
最後,以人文資源來說,泰國以其開放和包容的社會氛圍,成為全球遊客眼中的獨特魅力之地。例如,同性婚姻的合法化,以及一年一度吸引了3 萬人參加的White Party 都是泰國與眾不同的特色。隨着旅客在疫後的消費模式出現轉變,傳說的消費旅遊已較難吸引新一代旅客。我認為香港不妨仿效泰國,透過舉辦類似的活動,來打造香港的旅遊名片。事實上,香港於2023 年曾舉辦首次在亞洲舉行的同志界國際盛事「同樂運動會」。我認為類似的活動既能彰顯香港包容多元的價值,還有助於擴大香港的旅遊市場,政府應考慮多加舉辦。
Decoding the Competitiveness of Tourism in Thailand
As mentioned earlier, I holidayed in Bangkok, Thailand during the Christmas break and found that the local tourism industry is thriving. Reports indicate that by December 2024, Thailand had attracted over 35 million visitors throughout the year. I believe that one of the main reasons Thailand has become a world-renowned tourist destination and attracts visitors from Hong Kong is due to its lower human resources and land values compared to Hong Kong, which allows it to attract tourists with lower consumption prices.
Firstly, Thailand has a higher proportion of young people. With a current population of around 70 million, Thailand has a median age of 39, and the labor force (aged 15 to 64) accounts for about 68% (approximately 47.6 million people); in contrast, Hong Kong's population is only about 7.5 million, with a median age of 46, and the labor force accounts for about 51% (approximately 3.83 million people). Benefiting from an abundant labor force, Thailand's average wages are lower than Hong Kong's, and the excellent value for money has led to a well-developed local service industry. For example, during my trip, I visited a garden-style massage parlor where a 2-hour massage for three people cost only HK$1,400 (without the need for tips), which is much cheaper than Hong Kong and very cost-effective.
Secondly, land values in Thailand are lower than in Hong Kong, resulting in lower overall costs. According to reports, purchasing a piece of land in Chiang Mai with a building area of about 63,000 square feet, divided into 12 units with each unit having around 4,300 square feet of land, costs approximately HK$350,000 per unit. In comparison, purchasing a piece of land of the same size in Hong Kong could be tens of times more expensive than in Thailand. Lower land prices reduce the costs of real estate projects, allowing newly opened malls to gradually develop without the immediate need to recoup investments.
Lastly, in terms of cultural resources, Thailand's open and inclusive social atmosphere has made it a unique and charming destination in the eyes of global tourists. For example, the legalization of same-sex marriage and the annual White Party, which attracts 30,000 participants, are distinctive features of Thailand. As post-pandemic consumer patterns among travelers shift, the legendary concept of consumption tourism may find it challenging to attract the new generation of travelers. I believe that Hong Kong could follow Thailand's example by organizing similar events to create a tourism hallmark for Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong hosted the first-ever Gay Games in Asia in 2023. I think similar events not only showcase Hong Kong's inclusive values but also help expand Hong Kong's tourism market, which the government should consider hosting more of.
新民黨 「Talk With Experts」講座 探討香港如何成為全球人工智能中心
新民黨一向積極鼓勵黨員了解新環境、新產業,助他們掌握香港以至國際的最新動向,並提出更多具前瞻性的政策倡議,新民黨早前開拓「Talk With Experts」講座系列,邀請不同領域的專家及業界翹楚作分享,第二場周三(11日)晚上舉行,主題為「Building a Global AI Hub: Strategies for Hong Kong's Future」,由Mr. Neil Tan主講,他是諮詢顧問公司Tsunami Advisors的管理合夥人,致力促進金融科技、人工智能、數字資產及Web3企業在亞太地區發展、擴張和規模化,近百名新民黨成員出席,並踴躍提出不同角度的問題。
Mr. Neil Tan從人工智能的發展歷史開始介紹,然後到每個階段的發展、對社會和倫理的影響,不同類型的人工智能、其特定應用;以及香港作為全球人工智能中心的潛力,如何面對新加坡和深圳等國家地區的競爭等。
對於打造香港成為全球人工智能中心,Mr. Neil Tan認為重點不是人工智能的技術本身,而是香港如何交付實際成果;他認為,香港目前於人工智能方面的政策仍然處於早期階段,並非所有行業均有具體政策,他期望特區政府港能訂下政策方針,讓企業和機構採納不同元素的人工智能;同時要立法形成「護欄」,以推動人工智能在港發展。
Mr. Neil Tan又指出,擁有多所優秀大學是香港的主要優勢之一。矽谷之所以是領跑者,便是受惠於大學的發展。目前,部分香港的大學已開始關注人工智能的發展,他強調要成為全球人工智能中心,大學是香港必須運用的關鍵優勢,香港需要積極鼓勵開發。
隨着人工智能逐步取代不少工序甚至工種,在場有年輕人關注人工智能對未來人類社會就業的影響,向Mr. Neil Tan提問他對於年輕人的建議,年輕人應學習甚麼,特別是在人工智能領域上的知識,以計劃未來職業發展。
Mr. Neil Tan表示,最終每個人都會擔心這個問題──「如何使用人工智能」,例如網絡安全專家都在討論,他們目前進行網絡安全工作時,也需要人工智能,但該如何運用人工智能來對抗人工智能?Mr. Neil Tan強烈建議大家學習更多有關人工智能的產品和技術,以及如何使用,但要留意專注於自己真正喜愛的領域,例如無論你從事人力資源,還是金融、資訊科技,都應專注發掘自己專業範疇的人工智能應用。
新民黨 歡迎新局長任命安排
新民黨 譴責美方肆意詆毀香港法庭裁決
此外,科技園公司還應發揮好橋樑紐帶作用,積極搭建兩個園區與海內外創科資源的對接平台。吸引更多跨國企業、國際科研機構落戶兩個園區, 以及引導兩個園區的企業和科研成果走向大灣區乃至全國市場,拓展更大發展空間。通過"引進來"和"走出去"雙向發力,不斷拓展兩個園區的創新網絡和產業版圖,推動香港創科事業融入國家創新體系,在服務國家戰略中實現更大發展。
我認為河套合作區建設事關香港長遠發展,需要特區政府和科技園公司形成合力,共同推進。特區政府要從資金、政策、人才等方面給予科技園公司更多支持,幫助其強化在合作區建設中的主導作用。同時,特區政府還要加強與中央有關部門的溝通協調和科技園公司要攜手合作,為園區營造更優發展環境, 並且以高標準高質量建設好河套香港園區,以創科發展引領香港經濟轉型升級,在融入國家發展大局中實現更大作為。